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Genre: comedy in two acts based on the novel Aroused Conscience by Aleksey Budishchev

Author: Aleksey Budishchev

Staging: Yury Yoffe

Creators: Adaptation author / , Scenography and costumes / Anastasia Glebova, Sound / , Lighting / , / Aleksander Gnezdilov

продолжительность: Зч 20м

Aroused Conscience is a novel by Budishchev, which was given a title In Full Settlement in the Mayakovsky Theatre. It is an imitation of Dostoevsky in many ways. There are both a crime and a punishment here. And it is also because of money that everybody always seems to be short of. In this case it is the main character Peresvetov.

- Are you asking me to lend you some money? A thousand roubles? At 25%? Valerian Sergeevich, my dear, I don’t have so much money.

To pay debts by “selling” his wife, to let her become the creditor’s mistress. It is an offer that the character on the one hand cannot accept, but on the other he has no possibility to decline it.

- You will just come into my study, sit down in the armchair. And so, just for a single kind glance of yours, just for one minute – here, I’ll hand in the receipt at once: I have received the interest completely.

The novel written at the beginning of the 20th century is as much relevant today as before. In the world where a lot is decided by money one often has to choose between the material and the moral. And it does not matter whether you are sitting in a luxurious Bentley or on a bicycle.

Dina Ivanova, vesti.ru

The premiere performance took place on 8 April 2011.

Running time: 3 hours 00 minutes.

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