
Igor Okhlupin

Igor Okhlupin

People's Artist of Russia

(17 сентября 1938 – 9 июня 2018)

Окончил в 1960 Высшее театральное училище им. Б.В. Щукина (ныне Театральный институт им. Б.И. Щукина), и в этом же году принят в труппу Театра им. Вл. Маяковского.

Играл в спектаклях текущего репертуара:

«Кавказский меловой круг» Б. Брехт – Хозяин постоялого двора

«Господин Пунтила и слуга его Матти» Б. Брехт – Пастор

«Мертвые души» Н. Гоголь – прокурор, Муразов Афанасий Васильевич

«Женитьба» Н. Гоголь – Яичница 

играет в спектаклях

Igor Okhlupin was born on September 17, 1938.

In 1960 he graduated from Vakhtangov Theatre Academy and in the same year he joined the troupe of Mayakovsky Theatre.


Mayakovsky Theatre (past works):

‘Old-fashioned Comedy’ by A.Arbuzov - He

‘The Brothers Karamazov’ by F.Dostoevsky - Elder Zosima

‘Dead Souls’ by Nikolai Gogol - Prosecutor, Murazov Afanasy Vasilievich

‘Marriage’ by Nikolai Gogol - Yaichnitsa, Executor

‘The Victim of the Century’ by Ostrovsky - Flor Fedulych

‘The Fruits of Enlightenment’ by Leo Tolstoy - The first man

‘Theatrical Romance’ by A.Tolstoy - Khomutov

‘Hamlet’ by William Shakespeare - The shadow of Hamlet's father, the Second Gravedigger

‘Mother Courage and Her Children' by Brecht - The Soldier

‘Seeing Off the White Nights’ by V.Panova - Herman

‘Irkutsk Story’ by A.Arbuzov - Sergey

‘Faust and Death’ by A.Levada - Tsiolkovsky

‘Modern Boys’ by M.Shatrov - Semen, Maxim

‘A Little Student’ by N. Pogodin - Salazkin

‘How are You Doing, man?’ by V.Panova - Bear

‘Dangerous Silence’ by A.Veyler, A. Misharin – Aleksey Uralov

‘The Owners of the Keys’ by M. Kundera - Peter

'They Wait for Us Somewhere’ by A.Arbuzov - Taras

‘The Aristocrats’ by N. Pogodin – The Rewriting

‘The Caucasian Chalk Circle' by B. Brecht – Simon, Merchant

‘Between the Showers’ by A.Stein - Ivan

‘Hotel Astoria‘ by A.Stein - Soldier, Lieutenant

‘Clinical record’ by B.Laskin - Pies

‘A Handful of Pebbles’ by A.Salynsky - Verezhnikov

‘Oedipus the King’ by Sophocles - Oedipus

‘The Death of Tarelkin’ by Sukhovo-Kobylin - Okh

‘Antigone and Others’ by P.Karvash - Zarish

‘The Storm’ by Ostrovsky - The clerk

‘World without Me’ by Y.Edlis - Gavrilov

‘Nightingale night’ by V.Ezhov - Lukyanov

‘Talents and Admirers’ by Ostrovsky - Erast Gromilov

‘The Nineteen' by A.Fadeev- Morozko

‘Maria’ by A.Salynsky - Mironov

‘Winter Ballad’ by A.Veytsler, A.Misharin - Severov

‘A Streetcar Named Desire' by T. Williams - Mitch

‘Uncle's Dream’ by F.Dostoevsky - Vasya

‘Thought about Britannica’ by Y.Yanovsky - Petro Nesvyatipaskha

‘It is a Family Affair-We will Settle it Ourselves’ by A. Ostrovsky - Bolshov

‘Conversations with Socrates' by E. Radzinsky - Prodikos

‘The long-awaited’ by A.Salynsky - Cherednyak

‘The Seagull’ by Anton Chekhov - Trigorin

‘Immoral Story’ by E.Braginsky, E.Ryazanov - Filimonov

‘Agent 00’ by G. Borovik - Special Assistant

‘Sunset’ by Isaac Babel - Ivan Pyatirubel

‘Music Lessons’ by L. Petrushevskaya - Fedor

‘Victoria…?’ by T.Rattigan - Captain Hardy

Cinema works: ‘Dead Souls’ (Photodrama) (2009), ‘Woe from Wit’ (Photodrama) (2000), ‘Music Lessons’ (Photodrama) (1990), ‘Instruct General Nesterov’ ( 1984), ’Very Important Person’ (1984), ‘My choice’ (1984), ‘The city has good weather’ (Photodrama) (1983), ‘The night is short’ (1981), ‘Fury’ (Photodrama ) (1979), ‘A Shot in the back’ (1979), ‘Sibiriada’ (1978), ‘Obelisk’ (1976), ‘The Hottest Month’ (1974), ‘Day by Day’ (Photodrama) (1971 - 1972), ‘Hello, our fathers!’ (Photodrama) (1969), ‘In the hour of need’ (1961), ‘Clouds over Borsky’ (1960), ‘Aleshka's Love’ (1960).

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