
I was in the house and I waited ...

I was in the house and I waited ...

I was in the house and I waited ...

Genre: The expectation is beyond common sense

Author: Jean-Luc Lagarce

Staging: Anatoliy Shulev

Creators: artist / Olga Bogatishcheva, composer / , lighting designer / , translation by /

продолжительность: 1 ч 40 мин

Информация для зрителей: В кассовых залах Театра Маяковского сотрудники билетного стола с удовольствием помогут Вам с выбором спектакля и приобретением билетов, в том числе за наличный расчёт, а также расскажут о бонусной системе Театра. Режим работы кассовых залов – с 11:00 до 20:00. Телефоны: +7-495-690-62-41 (Основная сцена), +7 -499-678-03-04 (Сцена на Сретенке).

At one house five women are waiting for their brother, son, the rain and the moment, when life will turn back time, and they will find the lost meaning. Three female generations of loneliness, restlessness and hope they share with each other the most secret memories and the most sincere feelings. The sister`s belief in the return of their brother, with is created by "french Chekhov" – Jean-Luc Lagarce, turns into a desperate longing for love and the beginning of real life.


The premiere took place on 25 March 2016.

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Incorrect information block

Incorrect information block

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