Архиве спектаклей

Старомодная комедия

Старомодная комедия

Genre: lyrical story in two parts

Author: Aleksey Arbuzov

Staging: Vladimir Portnov

Creators: Set design / Ilya Evdokimov, Costumes / Nika Barabash, Sound / Viktor Melnikov

продолжительность: Зч 20м

It has been a long time since Soviet-type health resorts ceased to exist, and it is really hard to imagine a chief physician reprimanding a guest for indecent behaviour or insufficient answers in a form. It also really difficult to imagine that one can keep the people next door awake by reciting poems. But the story of An Old-Fashioned Comedy is not out of date: the present society also detests vague answers and strives for establishing the same categories for everybody. Still, life does not fit in specially assigned columns and love accepts no conventions. It comes when you are not waiting for it and makes you forget peace and quiet and think of beauty.

The premiere performance took place on 12 September 2004.

Running time: 2 hours 15 minutes
пресса о спектакле

Incorrect information block

Incorrect information block

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