Evgenia Simonova
Evgenia Simonova
People's Artist of Russia
Евгения Павловна родилась 1 июня в Ленинграде.
Училась хореографии, закончила музыкальную школу имени Гнесиных.
Окончив в 1976 году Театральное училище имени Б.В. Щукина, курс Ю. Катин-Ярцева, Евгения Симонова начала работать в труппе Театра им. Вл. Маяковского.
Евгения Павловна – лауреат Российской национальной театральной премии «Золотая маска» в номинации «Лучшая женская роль» (сезон 2015-2016) за роль Софьи Толстой в спектакле «Русский роман».
Играет в спектаклях текущего репертуара:
«Семейный альбом» Т. Бернхард – Вера
«Московский хор» Л. Петрушевская – Лика
«Русский роман» М. Ивашкявичюс – Софья
«Август: графство Осейдж» Тр. Леттс – Виолетта Уэстон
«На чемоданах» Х. Левин – Геня Гелернтер
играет в спектаклях
Evgenia Simonova was born on June 1 in Leningrad.
She studied dance, graduated from Gnessin State Musical College.
In 1976 she graduated from the Vakhtangov Theatre Academy (Y.Katin-Yartsev's course) and started working at Mayakovsky Theatre.
People's Artist of Russia (1995).
Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1984,for her roles in the plays ‘Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District’, ‘The Life of Klim Samgin’, ‘Rumors’, staged at Mayakovsky Theatre).
Laureate of the State Stanislavsky Prize for her role in the play ‘The Victim of the Century’ (1995).
Laureate of the Moscow government Prize for her role in the play ‘The Victim of the Century’ (1995).
Winner of the ‘Crystal Turandot’ for the best female role of the season (play ‘Three Tall Women’) (2005).
The Order of Merit (2005).
Winner of the ‘Golden Eagle’ for Best Actress in a TV Movie (2006, for her role in the film ‘Children of the Arbat’).
Laureate of the Russian Guild of Film Critics’ award ‘The White Elephant’ for Best Actress (2006, for her role in the film ‘Ellipsis’).
Winner of the ‘Nika’ award for Best Actress (2006, for her role in the film ‘Ellipsis’).
Order For Merit to the Fatherland IV class (2011).
Mayakovsky Theatre (past works):
‘The Victim of the Century’ by A. Ostrovsky – Yulia Pavlovna
‘The Joke of Maecenas’ by A. Averchenko - Yablonka
‘Elixir of Love’ by P. Schaeffer - Lotta
‘Confessions of Anna’ - Anna Karenina
‘Efficiency of Obsession’ by Y. Volchek - Tanya
‘The Seagull’ by A. Chekhov – Nina Zarechnaya
‘She, in the Absence of Love and Death’ by E. Radzinsky - She
‘The Life of Klim Samgin’ by Gorky - Lydia
‘Smoking Area’ by B. Slavkin - Kate
‘Look Who Is Here!’ by V. Arro - Alina
‘Rumors’ by A. Salunsky - Batyunina
‘Vivat! Vivat Regina!’ by R. Bolt - Mary Stuart
‘The Madmen of Valencia’ by Lope de Vega - Erief
‘Circle’ by S. Maugham - Elizabeth
‘A Doll's House’ by Ibsen - Nora
‘The Lover’
‘Six Beloved’ by Arbuzov - Alekhina Nastasya Petrovna
‘Three Tall Women’ by E.Albee - A very old woman
‘A delicate Balance’ E. Albee - Agnes
Sovremennik Theatre:
‘Enemies, a Love Story ‘by I.B. Singer - Tamara
Cinema works: ‘Only Old Men Are Going To Battle’ (1973), ‘Afonya’ (1975), ‘The Lost Expedition’ (1975), ‘Under the Roofs of Montmartre’ (1975), ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ (photodrama), ‘ A Profitable Position‘(photodrama) (1977),’ School Waltz ‘(1977),’ Lika ‘(photodrama) (1978),’ Bellman ‘(1978),’ Ordinary Miracle ‘(1978),’ The wedding day will have to be clarified ‘( 1979), ‘Twenty-six days of Dostoevsky's Life’ (1980), ‘An Anonymous Story’ (1980), ‘Rafferty’ (1980), ‘A Test for the specialty’ (1981), ‘The Long Road to Oneself’ (1982) ‘Quarantine’ (1983), ‘Teenager’ (1983), ‘Tales of the old magician’ (1984), ‘Children of the Sun’ (1985), ‘Scenes from M. Lermontov's tragedy Masquerade‘ (photodrama) (1985), ‘ Wild Wind | Vint salbatic / Divlji vetar ‘(USSR, Yugoslavia) (1985),’ The Frenchman ‘(1988),’ Live Programme‘(1989),’ Lusty ‘(1990),’ Here I am ... ‘(short film) (1992),’ The Role ‘(1993),’ Little Queen and others ‘(drama) (1996),’ Blooming Hill among the empty fields ‘(2000),’ Salome ‘(2001),’ An Ordinary Life ‘ (teledrama) (2002), ‘Lest We Forget ...’ (documentary) (2003), ‘Evlampiya Romanov. The investigation held by a layman ‘(2003),’ Children of the Arbat ‘(2004),’ Where childhood ends ‘(2005),’ Talisman of Love ‘(2005),’ Ellipsis ‘(2006),’ Customer trust ‘(2007) ‘Marriage’ (drama) (2007), ‘The Man in the frame’ (documentary) (2008), ‘Ivan the Terrible’ (2009), ‘Drop the World’ (Ukraine) (2009), ‘The Hunt for Golden Eagle’ (2010) ‘Captains’ (2010), ‘Two Tickets to Venice’ (2011), ‘Case of the gastronome number 1’ (2011), etc.
Evgenia dubbed the film ‘And so it happened in this tale’ (animated) (1984).
Unofficial website:www.epsimonova.narod.ru