
Anna Ardova

Anna Ardova

Родилась 27 сентября в Москве, в актёрской семье.
Бабушка Анны Ардовой – ученица Станиславского Нина Ольшевская, дед – известный писатель и драматург Виктор Ардов, дядя – Алексей Баталов. 

В 1994 году окончила ГИТИС – Мастерская А. Гончарова.

С 1995 года – актриса Театра им. Вл. Маяковского.

Играла в скетчкоме «Женская лига: парни, деньги, любовь» на ТНТ (2006-2009). В 2009 году ей была предложена главная роль в шоу «Одна за всех» на телеканале «Домашний». Проект стал одним из главных хитов канала, а Ардова получила премию «ТЭФИ» за лучшую женскую роль в телесериале в 2010 году.

Играет в спектаклях текущего репертуара:

«Лес» А. Островский – Раиса Павловна Гурмыжская

«Истории» – Мурашкина

«Август: графство Осейдж» Тр. Леттс – Барбара Фордам

«Таланты и поклонники» А. Островский – Нина Васильевна Смельская

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Mon 19:00

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Sun 18:00August: Osage County

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Sun 18:00

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Anna Ardova was born on September 27 in Moscow in a family of actors.

Anna`s grandmother Nina Olshevskaya was Stanislavsky`s student, her grandfather was a famous writer and playwright Victor Ardov and her uncle is Aleksey Batalov.

In 1994, she graduated from GITIS (A. Goncharov`s workshop).

Since 1995 she has been an actress of Mayakovsky Theatre.

Anna Ardova played in a sketch TV show ‘Women’s League: boys, money, love’ on TNT TV channel (2006-2009). In 2009, she was offered the leading role in the show ‘One for all’ on ‘Home’ TV channel. The project became one of the biggest hits of the channel and Ardova won the ‘Taffy’ award as The Best Actress in a television series in 2010.


Mayakovsky Theatre (past works)

‘It is a Family Affair-We will Settle it Ourselves’ by A. Ostrovsky - Ustinya Naumovna, matchmaker

‘Farce for adults only’ by N.Kolyada - Rimko

‘The Adventures of Buratino’ by A.Tolstoy - Alice Fox

‘The lizard’ by Volodin – The Eloquent`s wife

‘The Victim of the Century’ by A. Ostrovsky – Cabaret singer

‘Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead’ by T. Spoppard - Gertrude

‘The Brothers Karamazov’ by F. Dostoevsky - Maria Kondratyevna

Center of Drama and Directing under direction of A. Kazantsev and M.Roshchin:

‘Ninka`s Earth. Strangers ‘- Nina

Cinema works: ‘Adventures in Las Vegas (in production) (2012),’ Real Love ‘(in production) (2012),’ Paid for Love ‘(2011),’ My Crazy Family ‘(2011),’ Vysotsky. Thank you for living ‘(2011), ’All inclusive! ‘(2011), ’School fatties ‘(2010),’ Syndrome of the Phoenix ‘(2009),’ City Lights ‘(2009), ‘A Winter woman’(2009 ), ‘I go out to look for you’ (2009), ‘Cold Sun’ (2008), ‘Happy Together’ (2006-2010), ‘Publish without delay-2’ (2008), ‘The Postman’ (2008), ‘Lace’ (2008), ‘Still, I love ...’ (2008), ‘Reporters’ (2007), ‘Kolobkov. A real colonel! ‘(2007), ’The Soldiers. New Year, your division! ‘(2007), ’The soldiers -9 ‘(2006),’ The soldiers-10 ‘(2006),’ Ostrog. A Case of Fedor Setchenov ‘(2006),’ Captain’s Children ‘(2006),’ From the flames and light ‘(2006),’ 977 ‘(2006),’ Branded history of Yablokov ‘(2005),’ The Three Musketeers ‘(Ukraine) (2005),’ Clowns do not kill ‘(2005),’ The Case of ‘Dead Souls’ (2005), ‘Formula’ (2004), ‘Only You’ (2004 ), ‘Mystery of the Blue Valley’ (2004), ‘Children of the Arbat’ (2004), ‘Always say ‘always’’ (2003), ‘A plague on both your houses!’ (playdrama ‘(2002),’ Wilis ‘ (2002), ‘A longing girl’ (short film) (1997), ‘If you believe Lopotukhin’ (1983), etc.

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