
Talents and Admirers

Talents and Admirers

Talents and Admirers
Talents and Admirers
Talents and Admirers

Genre: comedy

Author: Aleksander Ostrovsky

Staging: Mindaugas Karbauskis

Creators: Scenography / Sergey Barkhin, Costumes / Natalia Voynova, Lighting / Sergey Skornetsky, Composer / Giedrius Puskunigs

продолжительность: 3 ч 15 мин с одним антрактом


Thu 19:00


Mon 19:00


Sun 18:00

Talents and Admirers is the first work of the director Mindaugas Karbauskis at the Mayakovsky Theatre. It is a play about the nature of aristocratic gift, happiness and vulnerability to theatrical genius, freedom and eternal dependence – it is about theatre.

Actor is an eternally dependent profession and a desperately freedom-loving gift. Actor’s life consists in worries of reality, audience, everyday routine, habits. And anybody who admires and worship the talent actually trenches on it, seeks to possess and to make use of it.

The main character, an actress Negina is in the center of the story which is unfolding around her and where other characters aspire to play leading roles as well. Here everybody is a talent. Everybody implements his own plan with enthusiasm. What is the logic behind the separate plots? Where are the starting points? What does it mean to unravel the intrigue and to take part in its consequences? Who activates the new circle of action? Theatre is a collection of characters and events, a whirlabout and reciprocal use of goals and ambitions. While realizing this sad truth, people at the Mayakovsky Theatre still stick to romantic views based on admiration for power and charisma of the Artist’s personality. Karbauskis’ production is in many ways devoted to the talents of ‘Mayakovka’ itself, its brilliant actors’ ensemble.

The premiere performance took place on 21 January 2012

Running time: 3 hours 30 minutes

пресса о спектакле премии и номинации

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  • Лауреат X Московской театральной премии «Гвоздь сезона» (2012)

  • Лауреат Российской национальной театральной премии «Золотая маска» в номинации «Лучшая женская роль второго плана» (Светлана Немоляева, роль Домны Пантелеевны, 2013)

  • Номинант Российской национальной театральной премии «Золотая маска» (2012)

  • Участник XIII Международного Волковского фестиваля (г. Ярославль, 2012)

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