
Suitcase Packers

Suitcase Packers

Suitcase Packers

Genre: comedy

Author: Hanoch Levin

Staging: Aleksander Koruchekov

Creators: Set design / Natalia Voynova, Set design / Sergey Skornetsky, Composer / Dmitry Katkhanov

продолжительность: 2 ч


Mon 19:00

Suitcase Packers is a play about our time and this country, in which 6 families, 5 people in love, 3 unmarried women, 9 deceased, 8 funerals, 4 widows, 3 Americans, 11 suitcases, a baby, a homosexual, a prostitute, a stutterer and a hunchback take part – all of them very unhappy but amusing.

Hanoch Levin

The dramatis personae of the comedy Suitcase Packers is a whole page of endless Zils and Zvis, who are tied with the bonds that one cannot make head nor tale of. One sketch follows the other: a half insane mother nags at her overgrown son, threatens him, complains and suffers. A son and a daughter-in-law send the old mother into a retirement home consistently, while she keeps coming back inexorably like the fate itself, a young man is waiting for his fiancée, a woman is carrying a child, a woman is counting money, a lame brother is being turned out of the house, local windbags and philosophers fool the hearts and the heads. What’s more, there are deaths and funerals, and tears, and visions of the deceased. Laughter by Levin is an insight in the comical yet at the same time absurd and desperate order of human life.

The premiere performance took place on 16 March 2011

Running time: 2 hours and 10 minutes
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·      Участник VII Международного фестиваля «Гешер» (Тель-Авив, Израиль, 2013)
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