
A Busy Place

A Busy Place

Genre: comedy in two acts

Author: Aleksander Ostrovsky

Staging: Yury Yoffe

Creators: Scenography and costumes / Anastasia Glebova, Lighting / , Sound /

продолжительность: 2 ч 45 мин с одним антрактом


Wed 19:00


Sun 18:00

One gets warmed and robbed in this inn. The text by Ostrovsky is preserved; the costumes of the 19th century cannot deceive the audience: the present day looks into the savage customs of the Russian province of the century before last as if it was a mirror. It turns out to be so captivating to observe the intrigues of these swindlers and to worry whether the young sister of the owner of this haunt of vice will get out of the vicious circle and find love! In this energetic and funny performance it is sometimes hard to understand who is a positive and who is a negative character, who the director is laughing at and whom he is taking seriously. But the essence is constant: it is theatre!

The premiere performance took place on 9 January 2008.

Running time: 2 hours 45 minutes

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