It’s Not All Shrovetide For The Cat
It’s Not All Shrovetide For The Cat
Genre: scenes from Moscow life
Author: Aleksander Ostrovsky
Staging: Leonid Kheyfets
Creators: Set design / Valeriy Fomin, Costumes /
продолжительность: 2 ч 20 мин с одним антрактом
What is a poor girl to do: to marry a rich old man she does not love or the beloved one who is a poor young man? What is her widowed mother to do: to arrange her daughter’s destiny or her own? Leonid Kheifets is sure that the scenes from Moscow life of the 19th century are still relevant to this day.
The premiere performance took place on 20 November 2010.
Running time: 2 hours 20 minutes.
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· Участник Международного театрального фестиваля «ПостЕфремовское пространтсво» (г. Березники, 2015)