Архиве спектаклей

В.О.Л.К. (Вот Она Любовь Какая)

В.О.Л.К. (Вот Она Любовь Какая)

В.О.Л.К. (Вот Она Любовь Какая)

Genre: Mosaic of the moments

Author: Vasiliy Aksenov

Staging: Svetlana Zemlyakova

Creators: Art Consultant / Natalia Voynova, Lighting designer /

продолжительность: Зч 20м

One of the Mayakovsky Theatre `s tasks is to give an opportunity for young professionals to play in the repertory theater. It is becomes a tradition that students of The Russian University of Theatre Arts show their performances there. Young graduates of Oleg Kudryashov`s workshop are on the stage with their performance diploma "V.O.L.K.".It was included in the repertoire of the Mayakovsky Theatre and will go on the small stage.
Following the "History of the mammoth" ("The Geographer drank Globe away") Kudryashov`s workshop reopens to the public a new literary work: a novel by Vasiliy Aksenov "Ten visits of my beloved."
The name of the play was given in honor of the tattoo on main character`s fingers. But it does not mean a nickname, but his wonder at the truth that revealed to him: That's What Love Is!
And love is different in that play: a rave of young blood, and the wind in the hair from the night ride by motorcycle to the beloved, and fainting first kiss, and the bitterness of the first intimacy, tenderness and even unpredictable attitude to another person in the middle of the first love. The story that begins as a gentle sketch of Siberian life suddenly turns into a drama of ragged flight.

The premiere took place on October 14, 2014.
The performance lasts 4 hours.
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