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Staging: Mindaugas Karbauskis

Creators: Set Designer / , Costume Designer / , Lighting Designer / , Translation /

продолжительность: Зч 20м

Yoknapatawpha” – is a new version of performance by Mindaugas Karbauskis based on novel of outstanding American author W. Faulkner. The previous performance staged in 2004 in Tabakov Theatre became a great theatrical event in Moscow and won two “Golden Mask” awards and also a prestigious Russian theatre prize “Crystal Turandot”.


Yoknapatawpha is a nonexistent county in the South of USA created by Faulkner. In this ordinary, but at the same time mysterious place we will meet big Farmer Bundren`s family and together with them will go on a trip in creaking wagon hitched to obedient mules.


We will see how people and animals try to cross a stormy river which sweeps bridges away, but drown in unreal imaginary water flow. We will wonder how Grandfather clock turns into a coffin, and tub with water - into a raging flow in the miracle of theatre magic.

Yoknapatawpha” is a paradox performance. Twenty characters laugh and cry, argue and sorrow – on the whole they just live to expressive country style melodies. They don`t afraid of death, realize it`s inevitability and treat death with wise calm.

The key fact of the performance – death of family`s mother. And it opens for us tempers and feelings full of strong emotions for each character.

Premiered on December 19, 2019.

пресса о спектакле премии и номинации

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  • Театральная премия «МК» в номинации «Лучшая женская роль» в категории «Начинающие» (Юлия Марычева за роль Адди в спектакле «Йокнапатофа», сезон 2019/2020).
  • Театральная премия «МК» в номинации «Лучшая мужская роль второго плана» в категории «Начинающие» (Станислав Кардашев за роль Вардамана в спектакле «Йокнапатофа», сезон 2019/2020).

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