
Maya Polyanskaya

Maya Polyanskaya

Meritorious artist of Russia

Майя Васильевна родилась 5 мая.

В 1955 году после окончания средней школы была принята в труппу Оренбургского драматического театра им. М. Горького.

В 1961 году окончила Школу-студию МХАТ – курс А. Караева (педагоги О. Ефремов, Е. Морес).

С 1961 года Майя Полянская работает в Театре им. Вл. Маяковского.

Играет в спектаклях текущего репертуара:

«Бердичев» Ф. Горенштейн – Броня Михайловна Тайбер

«На чемоданах» Х. Левин – Беба

играет в спектаклях


Mon 19:00Suitcase Packers

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Maya Polyanskaya was born on May 5.

In 1975, after graduating from high school she joined the troupe of Orenburg Gorky Drama Theater.

In 1961, she graduated from the Moscow Art Theatre School (A.Karayev` cours). Her teachers were O.Efremov and E.Mores.

Since 1961 she has been working at Mayakovsky Theatre.

Meritorious Artist of Russia (1997)


Orenburg Gorky Drama Theatre:

‘Orenburg Antiquity’ N.Anov - Darling

‘Your Way’ by V. Rozov - Zina

Mayakovsky Theatre (past works):

Artistic director and chief stage director N.P. Okhlopkov

‘Mother Courage and Her Children’ by Brecht - Catherine

‘The Aristocrats’ by N. Pogodin - Fefela, Nina

‘The Storm’ by Ostrovsky - Dunyasha

‘They Wait for Us Somewhere’ by A.Arbuzov - Agnessa

‘Irkutsk Story’ by A.Arbuzov - Mayka, Zina

‘Golden Horse’ by Y.Rainis - Princess

‘Time to Love’ by B.Lasin - Masha

‘A Little student’ by N. Pogodin - Ruziya

‘Rhapsody in Blue’ N. Pogodin - Girl in white

‘Dangerous Silence’ by A.Veytsler, A.Misharin - Nurse

‘The Caucasian Chalk Circle’ by Brecht - Suliko, Maro-nurse, maid

‘My Heart`s in the Highlands’ by W.Saroyan - Wife

‘Modern boys’ by M.Shatrov - Zoya, Sveta, Marisha

‘Ordinary person’ by L.Leonov - Annushka

‘Escape of the night’ by Brothers Tur - Waitress

‘Medea’ by Euripides - Son

‘Oedipus the King’ by Sophocles – Oedipus` daughter

‘How are You Doing, man?’ by V.Panova - Olga, Nurse

‘Seeing Off the White Nights’ by V.Panova - Girl in the Park

‘The Defector’ by A. Tur, P.Tur - Galya Khmelko

‘Clinical Record’ by B.Laskin - Svetlana

‘A call to an empty apartment’ by D.Ugryumov - Ira

‘The magic password’ by D.Orlov, L.Novogrudsky - Tender bullet

‘Time of Troubles’ A.Chakovsky, P.Pavlovsky - Irina

Artistic director and chief stage director of A.A. Goncharov

‘Vanyushin`s Children’ by S. Naydenov - Anya, Arina Ivanovna

‘The victim of the century’ by Ostrovsky - Mikhevna

‘The end of the sixth book’ by E.Broshkevich – Beat`s Sister

‘Maria’ by A.Salynsky - Lopareva

‘Characters’ by V.Shukshin - Mother-in-Law

‘A man at his place’ by V.Chernykh –Bobrov`s Mother

‘It is a Family Affair-We will Settle it Ourselves’ by A. Ostrovsky - Fominishna

‘The long-awaited’ by A.Salynsky - Klava

‘Running’ by Mikhail Bulgakov - Face in a small window

‘Return of the Unknown’ by S.Karas - Rose

‘Immoral Story’ by E.Braginsky, E.Ryazanov - Starikova

‘The Life of Klim Samgin’ by Gorky - Anfimievna

‘Rumor’ by A.Salynsky - Agafya Yurievna

‘Tomorrow Was the War’ by B.Vasilev – Artem`s Mother

‘Victoria...?’ by T.Rattigan - Catherine Mechem

‘The Transparent Apples, or Truth is Good but Happiness is Better’ by A. Ostrovsky - Zybkina

‘The Islander’ by Aleksander Yakovlev - Maria Pavlovna

‘Uncle's Dream’ by F.Dostoevsky - Karpukhina

‘Talents and Admirers’ by Ostrovsky - Domna Panteleevna

‘Don Juan`s Amusements’ by M. Pavlova - Donya, Cook, Old actress Anna Pavlovna

Cinema works: ‘Maigret and the man on the bench’ (Photodrama) (1973), ‘A Profitable Position’ (Photodrama) (1977), ‘With us, you never get bored’ (1985), ‘The Life of Klim Samgin’ (teleplay) (1986), ‘The investigation held by experts’ (1988), ‘Lucky women’ (1989), ‘Tomorrow Was the War’ (Photodrama) (1990), ‘Thief-2. Happiness for rent ‘(2002),’ Mystery of the Old Cemetery ‘(2002-2008), ’Taste of Murder ‘(2003),’ Always say ‘always’ 1, 2 ‘(2003, 2004),’ Cavaliers of sea star ‘(2003 ), ‘On the corner at the Patriarchal Lakes-3’ (2003), ‘Taxi driver-1, 2, 4’ (2003, 2005, 2007), ‘Children of the Arbat’ (2004), ‘Moscow. Central District-2 ‘(2004),’ The Insider ‘(2005),’ Airport 2 ‘(2006),’ Big Girls ‘(2006),’ The agency Alibi ‘(2007),’ The Agony of Fear ‘(2007) ‘Time of Happiness’ (2008), ‘When there is no love’ (2008), ‘New Year Tariff’ (2008), ‘Spy Game’ (2008), ‘Varya. Love Test ‘(2009),’ Cuties ‘(2009),’ Target ‘(2009),’ Rich Mary ‘(2010),’ Varya. In sorrow and in joy ‘(2010),’ Sect ‘(2011), etc.

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