Olga Prokofieva
Olga Prokofieva
Meritorious artist of Russia
Ольга Прокофьева родилась 20 июня в г. Одинцово Московской области.
В 1985 году по окончании ГИТИСа – курс А.А. Гончарова, М.А. Захарова − Ольга Евгеньевна принята в труппу Театра им. Вл. Маяковского.
Играет в спектаклях текущего репертуара:
«Любовь по Маркесу» – Роса Кабаркас
«Истории» – Княгиня М.Н. Волконская
«Пигмалион» Б. Шоу – Миссис Хиггинс
«Все мои сыновья» А. Миллер – Кэт Келлер
«Дядюшкин сон» Ф. Достоевский – Марья Александровна Москалева
играет в спектаклях
Olga Prokofieva was born on June 20 in Odintsovo, Moscow Region.
In 1985, she graduated from GITIS (A. Goncharov and M. Zakharov`s course) and joined the troupe of Mayakovsky Theatre.
Meritorious Artist of Russia (2001).
Prize for the best adult role in the children's film ‘Roof’ in competition ‘Our new children's cinema’ at the VII Moscow festival of Russian cinema ‘Moscow Premiere’ (2009).
Mayakovsky Theatre (past works):
‘The Life of Klim Samgin’ by Gorky - Lidia Varavka
‘Cat on a Hot Tin Roof’ by T. Williams - Mae
‘Tomorrow Was the War’ by B.Vasilev - Valentina Andronovna
‘Blonde’ by Volodin - Natasha
‘Smoking area’ by B. Slavkin - Vera
‘The story of Pieter Bruegel’ by T. Vasilenko - Pregnant
‘The Madmen of Valencia’ by Lope de Vega - Laid
‘It is a Family Affair-We will Settle it Ourselves’ by A. Ostrovsky - Lipochka
‘The victim of the century’ Ostrovsky - Irina Lavrovna
‘Elixir of Love’ by P.Sheffer - Miss Framer
‘Kean IV’ by G.Gorin - Amy Gosuill
‘The Transparent Apples, or Truth is Good but Happiness is Better’ by A. Ostrovsky - Filitsata
‘A Delicate Balance’ by E. Albee - Claire
Cinema works: ‘The Life of Klim Samgin’ (photodrama) (1986), ‘Daylight saving time’ (photodrama) (1986), ‘Tomorrow Was the War’ (photodrama) (1990), ‘The Insulted and Humiliated’ (1990) ‘33 square metres’ (1998-2005), ‘Not all there’ (short film) (1999), ‘Thief’ (2001), ‘Thief 2. Happiness for rent ‘(2002),’ Children of the Arbat ‘(2004),’ My Wonderful Nanny ‘(2004-2006),’ Adjutants of Love ‘(2005),’ The League of deceived wives ‘(2005),’ Daffy ‘(2005) ‘Shakespeare never dreamed’ (2007), ‘Time of Happiness’ (Russia, Ukraine) (2008), ‘My Wonderful Nanny 2. Life after wedding ‘(2008),’ Event ‘(2009),’ Margot. Fiery Cross ‘(Belarus, Russia) (2010),’ I go out to look for you ‘(2010),’ Roof ‘,’ Love for all ages ‘,’ Mystery for Vera‘,’ Donut Lucy ‘, etc.
Official site: www.olgaprokofieva.ru