
Uncle’s Dream

Uncle’s Dream

Uncle’s Dream

Genre: “a little thing of dove-like mildness and remarkable innocence”

Author: Fyodor Dostoevsky

Staging: Ekaterina Granitova

Creators: Set design / Elena Yarochkina, Costumes / Maxim Obrezkov, Music supervisor / Grigory Auerbakh, Lighting / Sergey Skornetsky

продолжительность: 3 ч 10 мин с одним антрактом


Wed 19:00

Лакей князя Феофил - Роман Потапов

Maria Alexandrovna Moskaleva is visited in a districted town by a prince well advanced in years, who has not been in this area for a long time. The lady of the estate decides to propose her beautiful 23-year-old daughter to him as a wife by all means, as there is no good match for her in this place. At first the young lady opposes these plans, but then she agrees to charm the half-mad wealthy old man. The marriage seems already to be settled, when suddenly the prince announces that it was all a dream…

The director Ekaterina Granitova sees in Dostoyevsky’s anecdote on manners of the provincial society the story of a remarkable woman who, as fate has willed, is confined to the depth of the country and whose almost maniacal need is to run away from there. She is both the main actress and the main director able to create a dazzling spectacle out of everything. Beautiful historical costumes as well as Russian, Spanish and French tunes create a spectacular acting atmosphere for the performance given by Moskaleva, and the prize for it is a ticket to the high society life.

The premiere performance took place on 4 September 2012

Running time: 3 hours 20 minutes

пресса о спектакле премии и номинации

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