
All my sons

All my sons

All my sons

Genre: Drama

Author: Arthur Miller

 Елена Голышева, Юрий Семенов, Дмитрий Вознякевич 

Staging: Leonid Kheyfets

Creators: Set design / Vladimir Arefiev, Costumes / , Lighting design / Andrey Abramov

продолжительность: 2 ч 20 мин с одним антрактом

Информация для зрителей: В кассовых залах Театра Маяковского сотрудники билетного стола с удовольствием помогут Вам с выбором спектакля и приобретением билетов, в том числе за наличный расчёт, а также расскажут о бонусной системе Театра. Режим работы кассовых залов – с 11:00 до 20:00. Телефоны: +7-495-690-62-41 (Основная сцена), +7 -499-678-03-04 (Сцена на Сретенке).


Sun 18:00

The family is waiting for the missing son since the war, almost without hope. The disappearance of a young pilot is the result of a fatal error of his father, whose shameful guilt turns into the inevitability of punishment for children. Destiny weaves its terrible web of causes and effects and refuses to give forgiveness to those who has committed a fatal blunder. True love between the bride of the missing pilot and his younger brother is questioned as dishonest, treacherous and dangerous for family well-being. The protagonists become absolute hostages in the play about the highest degree of responsibility: the truth of kinship relations is replaced by a thirst for enrichment, and the consequences of this substitution are irreversible.

The play "All My Sons" is the second Leonid Heifets`s play on the playwriting of Arthur Miller in the current repertoire of The Mayakovsky Theatre. The play "Price" is also in the repertoire since 2012.


The premiere performance took place on November 5, 2016.

The performance lasts 2 hours and 20 minutes.

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