Factory of the words
Factory of the words
Author: Agnes de Lestrade
Staging: Olga Lapina
Creators: Set and costume designer / Marius Yazhovskis, Composer and musical director / Paul Akimkin, lighting designer / Sergey Vasiliev
продолжительность: 1 ч
Информация для зрителей: В кассовых залах Театра Маяковского сотрудники билетного стола с удовольствием помогут Вам с выбором спектакля и приобретением билетов, в том числе за наличный расчёт, а также расскажут о бонусной системе Театра. Режим работы кассовых залов – с 11:00 до 20:00. Телефоны: +7-495-690-62-41 (Основная сцена), +7 -499-678-03-04 (Сцена на Сретенке).
Текст читает народный артист Михаил Филиппов
This play directed by Olga Lapina will be the world premiere of the eponymously-named book – fairy tale by Agnes de Lestrade. The main action takes place in a country where people cannot speak for a reason - they need to buy words that are produced in a special factory. Following the author and the director, along with a team of young artists, the audiences will pay attention to the value of words, great concepts such as honesty, kindness and, of course, love.
The premiere of the play took place on December 19, 2015.
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