Mama cat
Mama cat
Genre: music performance
Author: Luis Sepúlveda
Staging: Polina Struzhkova
Creators: Composer / Maksim Leonidov, Music supervisor / Olga Shaydulina, Scenography and costumes / Mikhail Kramenko, Adaptation author / Igor Kapustin, / Aleksander Aleksander
продолжительность: 2 ч с одним антрактом
Маленькая Афортунада – Ясна Соколова/Марина Огородникова / Ульяна Прохорова. Оркестр: Александр Нагорняк (гитара), Александр Браже (клавишные), Кирилл Ломакин (бас), Артем Журавлев (ударные), Иван Вихарев, Алексей Качалкин (аккордеон).
Can a cat sit out an egg? And even more: can a cat teach a nestling how to fly? Of course not! But what you could do if you gave a promise! ...
One fine morning the cat named Zorbas was sitting on the balcony, admiring the sea view and dreamed about how to live happily. But suddenly seagull fell on his head. Her forces were on the wane, and she took the promise from Zorbas that he will take care about future nestling.
So unexpectedly a touching creature appears in the cat’s life and turns it over. There are a lot of funny and touching moments in this story. Cats teach seagull to fly, although they can not fly by themselves, and the characters make an important life decisions on the basis of philosophical truths, which only children can understand. We want kids to think about those who are always near - about their mothers. And we understand how difficult it is - to be a mother and to feel responsibility to your families.
Premiere took place on September 14, 2013.
Performance lasts for 2 hours.
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