
Love through a detective`s eyes

Love through a detective`s eyes

Genre: comedy-ballet in two acts

Author: Sir Peter Shaffer

Staging: Sergey Artsibashev

Creator: Costumes / Olga Malyagina


Информация для зрителей: В кассовых залах Театра Маяковского сотрудники билетного стола с удовольствием помогут Вам с выбором спектакля и приобретением билетов, в том числе за наличный расчёт, а также расскажут о бонусной системе Театра. Режим работы кассовых залов – с 11:00 до 20:00. Телефоны: +7-495-690-62-41 (Основная сцена), +7 -499-678-03-04 (Сцена на Сретенке).

This kind of story probably has not been staged in a Russian theatre until now. What is it: a detective story? A comedy? A melodrama? A ballet after all? This production of the play by Sir Peter Shaffer has everything. Besides the genre diversity it also has such important qualities for theatre as poetry and beauty. There is beauty in everything: from wonderful ballet acts by the stars of the Bolshoi Theatre Dmitry Belogolovtsev and Anna Antonicheva to the beauty of human relationship that will make it possible for the characters to find a way out of a complicated situation with dignity…

The premiere performance took place on 3 December 2004.

Running time: 2 hours 30 minutes

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