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Genre: sentimental comedy

Author: Neil Simon

Staging: Sergey Artsibashev

Creators: Set design / Olga Shagalina, Costume design / Anastasia Shentalinskaya, Choreography / Valentina Nelyubina, Lighting / , Sound / AUDIOTHEATRE studio of Asaf Faradzhev

продолжительность: Зч 20м

‘Mayakovka’ presents a sentimental comedy The Dinner Party by one of the most repertory contemporary playwrights Neil Simon. The action takes place in Paris these days. Luxuriously laid table in a luxurious restaurant. The guests are well-off, good-looking successful men and women. The intrigue seems to be like a mountain road: there is one turn after the other. At first it seems to be as if in Agatha Christy’s spirit. But one thing stays constant: people’s feelings, without artificiality or insincerity.

M. Murzina, Argumenty i Fakty, 11 June 2003.

While the cast of Gogol’s Marriage included the stars of the theatre and the People’s Artists, who are well-known all over the country, The Dinner Party presents the middle generation, those, who have not acted that often and have been thoughtlessly overlooked before. The comedy genre is communicated by Sergey Artsibashev with the help of actors’ personalities and a peculiar composition of the duets. Seemingly serious but as a matter of fact rushing and painfully jealous Claude Pichon (Aleksander Shavrin), graceful and impeccably dressed Mariette Levieux (Olga Prokofieva), relaxed and flighty Yvonne Fouchet (Tatiana Augschkap) also played by lyrical Galina Belyaeva – all of them work very precisely within the director’s style patterns. Artsybashev’s discovery has turned out to be hilariously comic Daniil Spivakovsky, who plays the part of Albert Donay. An easy, talented comedy actor, who knows how to perform a serious feeling with his timid intonations.

A lonely, miserable, “sexy” and mysterious handsome Andre Bouville (Viktor Zaporozhsky) walks between the couples.

A beautiful vamp Gabrielle (Nadezhda Butyrtseva) is the woman who organized this dinner party on behalf of the lawyer. The actress’s gift is highly dramatic.

These days we all are in need of this kind of play, where there is a triumph of good over evil.

E. Dubnova, Literaturnaya Gazeta, 25 June – 1 July 2003.

“Bravo, Spivakovsky!“ the audience wrote online after the premiere of The Dinner Party and were not mistaken in their choice. Not in the least belittling the merits of other creatives of the production, one has to admit that Daniil Spivakovsky’s performance as Albert is a real discovery…

Graduate of the Russian University of Theatre Arts (GITIS) Spivakovsky has been working for the theatre since 1992, but received such a part for the first time. His thin, awkward and funny Albert, who still adores his Yvonne, is the one who eventually turns the unpretentious comedy into a real drama about a person who loved too much to be happy…

N. Agisheva, Moskovskie Novosti, July 2003.

The premiere performance took place on 17 May 2003.

Running time: 2 hours 00 minutes.

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