Elena Molchenko
Elena Molchenko
Елена Мольченко родилась 4 мая в Минске.
В 1985 году окончила ГИТИС – мастерская А.А. Гончарова.
С этого же года — актриса Театра им. Вл. Маяковского.
Играет в спектаклях текущего репертуара:
«Симон» Н. Абгарян – Косая Вардануш
«Плоды просвещения» Л. Толстой – Кухарка
«Русский роман» М. Ивашкявичюс – Агафья Михайловна
«Дикарка» А. Островский, Н. Соловьев – Мавра Денисовна
«Блажь» А. Островский, П. Невежин – Прасковья Антоновна
«Женитьба» Н. Гоголь – Фёкла Ивановна
«Бердичев» Ф. Горенштейн – Вшиволдина; Делева; Быля Шнеур
«На чемоданах» Х. Левин – Лола
играет в спектаклях
Elena Molchenko was born on May 4 in Minsk.
In 1985, she graduated from GITIS (A. Goncharov's workshop).
In the same year she joined the troupe of Mayakovsky Theatre.
Mayakovsky Theatre (past works)
‘It is a Family Affair-We will Settle it Ourselves’ by A. Ostrovsky - Matchmaker Ustiniya Naumovna
‘Not about nightingales’ by T. Williams - Mrs. Bristol
‘Vanyushin's Children’ by S.Naydenov - Lyudmila
‘Lizard’ by A. Volodin - third woman
‘Rumor’ by A.Salynsky - Sadofyeva
‘The Kitchen’ by A.Wesken - Bertha
‘The Blonde’ by A. Volodin - Lyalya, Leo's sister
‘Tomorrow Was the War’ by B.Vasilev - Iskra Polyakova
‘Diary of an Ordinary Girl’ by N.Kosterina - Chorus
‘Sunset’ by Isaac Babel - Madame Popyatnik
‘To live. To love ‘- Mother
‘Night of Angel’ by A.Rozanov - daughter
‘The Madmen of Valencia’ by Lope de Vega - Phaedra
‘Who's afraid of Ray Bradbury?’ by V.Maksimov - Olga
‘The Victim of the Century’ by Ostrovsky - Glafira Firsovna
‘Ivan Tsarevich’ by Y. Mikhailov- Milolika, Firebird
Theater ‘Flittermouse’ under direction of Gurevich:
‘Reading of a New Play’ - Actress
Moscow Art Theatre:
‘The Cherry Orchard’ by Anton Chekhov - Varia
Cinema works: ’On the threshold’ (1986), ‘Tomorrow Was the War’ (1987), ‘Maigret at the minister’ (Photodrama) (1987), ‘Tomorrow Was the War’ (Photodrama) (1990), ‘ The Cherry Orchard ‘(Photodrama) (1992),’ Code of Silence-2 ‘(1994),’ Tango with death '(Photodrama) (1999), ‘Simple Truth’ (1999-2003), ‘The Church under the birches ‘(2003),’ Lily of the Valley Silver-2 ‘(2004),’ Night Watch ‘(2005),’ Mistress ‘(2005),’ The Insider ‘(2005),’ Tango For Three ‘(2006-2007),’ Women's History ‘(2007),’ Cruelty ‘(2007),’ Law & Order: Department of operational investigations-2 ‘(2007),’ Kadetstvo.2, 3 Seasons ‘(2007),’ Time of Happiness ‘(2008),’ Ranetki ‘(2008-2010),’ I go out to look for you ‘(2009), ’On the game ‘(2009),’ One Family ‘(2009),’ Yard ‘(2010),’ In game 2. New Level ‘(2010),’ The Last Secret of Master ‘(2010),’ Time of Happiness-2 ‘(2011),’ A short course of a happy life ‘(2011),’ Shadow ‘(in production) (2012), etc.