
Svetlana Nemolyaeva

Svetlana Nemolyaeva

People's Artist of the RSFSR

Светлана Немоляева родилась 18 апреля в Москве. 

Окончила театральное училище им. М.С. Щепкина (1958).

В 1958 -1959 гг. — актриса Московского драматического театра на Спартаковской (затем — на Малой Бронной), с 1959 — Светлана Владимировна актриса Театра им. Вл. Маяковского.

Лауреат Российской национальной премии «Золотая маска» в номинации «Лучшая роль второго плана»  (Домна Пантелеевна в спектакле «Таланты и поклонники», 2013).

Играет в спектаклях текущего репертуара:

«Истории» – Сара Бернар

«Как важно быть серьёзным» О. Уайльд – Леди Брэкнелл 

«Бешеные деньги» А. Островский – Надежда Антоновна Чебоксарова

«Плоды просвещения» Л. Толстой – Кухарка

«Кант» М. Ивашкявичюс – Анна-Регина

«Таланты и поклонники» А. Островский – Домна Пантелевна

«Женитьба» Н. Гоголь – Фекла Ивановна

играет в спектаклях


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Mon 19:00

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Svetlana Nemolyaeva was born on April 18 in Moscow.

She graduated from Shchepkin Higher Theatre College (1958).

In 1958-1959 she worked as an actress of Moscow Drama Theater 'Na Spartakovskoy', then at Malaya Bronnaya Theatre. Since 1959 she has been working at Mayakovsky Theatre.


People's Artist of the RSFSR (1980).

Order of Honor - for her contribution to the development of theater arts (3 February 1998).

Member of the Union of Theatre People (since 1962)

Member of the Union of Film Makers (since 1980)

Member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts (since 2002)

Order ‘For Merit to the Fatherland’ IV Class - for great contribution to the development of domestic theatrical art and many years of creative activity (31 January 2007).

Order ‘For Merit to the Fatherland’ III class - for outstanding contribution to the development of domestic theatrical and cinematic arts and many years of creative activity (6 April 2012).

Winner of the Russian national award ‘Golden Mask’ in the category ‘Best Actor’ (Domna Panteleevna in the play ‘Talents and Admirers’) (2013)


Mayakovsky Theatre (past works)

‘Hamlet’ by W. Shakespeare - Ophelia

‘Spring Violins’ by A.Stein - Masha

‘Stolen Life’ by K.Morimoto - Khana

‘Irkutsk Story’ by A.Arbuzov - Maya

‘Time to Love’ by B.Lasin - Masha

‘A Little student’ by N. Pogodin - Ruziya

‘Mother Courage and Her Children' by Brecht - Yvette

‘Hotel Astoria’ by A.Stein - Svetlana, Polina

‘Seeing Off the White Nights’ by V.Panova - Nina

‘Ocean’ by A.Stein - First girlfriend

‘Modern boys’ by M.Shatrov - Svetochka

‘Rhapsody in Blue’ by N. Pogodin - Girl in white

‘How are you doing, man?’ by V.Panova - Zainka

‘Dangerous Silence’ by A.Veitsler, A.Misharin - Irina

‘The Owners of the Keys’ by M. Kundera - Alyona

‘They Wait for Us Somewhere’ by A.Arbuzov - Girl with plaits

‘Golden Horse’ by Y.Rainis - Princess

‘The Caucasian Chalk Circle' by Brecht - Suliko, farmer's wife

‘The Defector’ by A. Tur, P.Tur - Galya Khmelko

‘Clinical Record’ by B.Laskin - Varya Kazakova

‘A Handful of Pebbles’ by A. Salynsky - Anna

‘The Death of Tarelkin’ by Sukhovo-Kobylin - Mavrushka

‘World without Me’ by Y.Edlis - Galochka

‘A call to an Empty Apartment’ by D.Ugryumov - Ksana

‘Nightingale Night’ by V.Ezhov - Inga

‘Talents and Admirers’ by Ostrovsky - Negina

‘Vanyushin's Children’ by S.Naydenov - Inna

‘The Nineteen’ by A.Fadeev - Girl cowgirl

‘A Streetcar named Desire' by T. Williams - Blanche Dubois

‘Between the Showers’ by A.Stein - Tata

‘Man of La Mancha’ by D.Vasserman, D.Derion - Anthony

‘Relatives’ by E.Braginsky, E.Ryazanov - Irina

‘Conversations with Socrates' by E. Radzinsky - Hetaera Harpy

‘The long-awaited’ by A.Salynsky - Nina Rodionovna

‘Vivat! Vivat Regina!’ by R.Bolt - Elizabeth Tudor

‘Running’ by Mikhail Bulgakov - Serafima Korzukhina

‘She, in the Absence of Love and Death' by E. Radzinsky - Her mother

‘Cat on a Hot Tin Roof' by Tennessee Williams - Mae

‘The Fruits of Enlightenment’ by Leo Tolstoy - Anna Pavlovna Zvezdintseva

‘Lobster`s Laughter’ by J.Marrell - Sarah Bernhardt

‘A Plague on Both Your Houses!’ by G.Gorin - Signora Capulet

‘The Aristocrats’ by N. Pogodin - Nina

‘And the Star Fell Down’ by H.Lovinescu - Christina

‘Circle’ by S. Maugham - Lady Kitty

‘Victoria…?’ by T.Rattigan - Lady Nelson

‘Kean IV’ by G.Gorin - Amy Gosuill

‘My Century’ by M.Lorans - Gabriel

‘The Brothers Karamazov’ by F.Dostoevsky - Hohlakov

‘Dead Souls’ by Nikolai Gogol – Korobochka Nastasya Petrovna

‘The Government Inspector’ by Nikolai Gogol – Anna Andreevna

Cinema works: ’Twins’ (1945), ‘Happy Flight’ (1949), ‘Eugene Onegin’ (1958), ‘Man to Man’ (1958), ‘Brief Encounters’ (1967), ‘What is to Be Done?’ (teledrama) (1971), ‘The Circle’ (1972), ‘An hour before the dawn’ (1973), ‘Waiting for the Miracle’ (1975), ‘What A Short Long Life’ (1975), ‘Day Train ‘(1976) ‘She was born in the caul’ (Photodrama) (1976), ‘Alternate aerodrome’ (1977), ‘Portrait with the rain’ (1977), ‘Office Romance’ (1977), ‘Garage’ (1979), ‘The month of long days ‘(Photodrama) (1979),’ Almanac of satire and humor ‘(Photodrama) (1980),’ The Invasion ‘(1980),’ Put in a Word For a Poor Hussar’(1980), ’All the way around ‘(1981 ), ‘Uncle's Dream’ (Photodrama) (1981), ‘Hunter’ (Photodrama) (1981), ‘Relatives’ (Photodrama) (1981), ‘Your brother Valentin’ (short film) (1981) ‘4-0 in favor of Tanya’ (1982), ‘Donkey skin’ (1982), ‘Quarantine’ (1983), ‘Monsieur Lenoir, who ...’ (Photodrama) (1983), ‘The Mystery of Blackbirds ‘ ‘(1983),’ And then came Bumba ... ‘(1984),’ Jump ‘(1985),’ On the main street with an Orchestra ‘(1986), ’Anonymous ‘(Photodrama) (1987),’ Have my hand and heart ‘(1988),’ The Visit ‘(1989), ’Cat on a Hot Tin Roof ‘(Photodrama) (1989),’ The village Stepanchikovo ‘(Photodrama) (1989), ’Promised Heaven ‘(1991),’ Anna Karamazoff ‘(1991),’ Lobster`s Laughter ‘(Photodrama) (1991),’ To Be In Love ‘(1992),’ Things of Life ‘(1992-1997),’ Provincial Benefit ‘(1993 ), ‘Kiss!’ (1998), ‘With the new happiness-2!’ (2001), ‘Kean IV’ (Photodrama) (2002), ‘Moscow Elegy’ (2002), ‘A plague on both your houses! ‘(Photodrama) (2002),’ Balzac Age, or All Men Are Bast ... ‘(2004),’ A person from Leningrad‘ (2006),’ The rails of Happiness ‘(2006),’ Actress ‘(2007),’ Marriage ‘( Photodrama) (2007), ‘Thirteen Months’ (2008), ‘Dead Souls’ (teleplay) (2009), ‘Autumn Flowers’ (2009), ‘A house without address’ (2010), ‘Zoya’ (2010 ), ‘Kiss through the wall’ (2010), ‘Dove’ (2011), ‘Swallow's Nest’ (2011), etc.

Svetlana dubbed movies ‘Everyone, thank you!’ (1981), ‘Anna Karamazoff’ (Jeanne Moreau`s role) (1991), ‘After that’ (animated) (1991), ‘Capital Souvenir’ (animated) (2004).
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