



Genre: about Critique of Pure Reason

Author: Marius Ivashkevichius

Staging: Mindaugas Karbauskis

Creators: Scenography / Sergey Barkhin, Costumes / Natalia Voynova, Lighting / Sergey Skornetsky, Translation /

продолжительность: 3 ч 10 мин с одним антрактом

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  • Immanuel Kant,
    the philosopher

    Filippov Mikhail

  • Martin Lampe,
    Kant`s servant, a former soldier of the Prussian Army

    Lobotsky Anatoly

  • Johann Schultz,
    theologian, a senior preacher from the Royal palace in Königsberg, constantly dining with Kant

  • Johann Vigilyanty,
    a judicial , constantly dining with Kant

    Korenev Yury

  • Joel,
    the personal doctor of Kant, constantly dining with him

  • Johann Shefner,
    the chief of police in Königsberg, constantly dining with Kant

    Zaporozhsky Viktor

  • Phoebe Green,
    recommends herself as the niece of scottish merchant Joseph Green - the best Kant's friend who lives in Königsberg

    Solomatina Yulia

  • Anna Regina,
    the lutheran – pietist senior sister of Mercy from the communitet

    Nemolyaeva Svetlana

  • Frederick- Rebecca,
    the lutheran – pietist sister of Mercy from the communitet

    Dyachuk Anastasia

  • Johann Kaufmann,
    a servant in a search of a new host

    Leonov Yaroslav

The act takes place around November 1784 in Königsberg (East Prussia), Prinzess - strasse 3, in a house belonging to Kant.

Philosopher Immanuel Kant takes lunch in an amphitheater – hexagon, covered with red velvet – the space made by the artist Sergey Barkhin. This is a lunch-performance. What will be discussed? Kant has a traditional dinner with the guests. But the arrival of a young girl breaks down the serene life in this house, leaving a lot of questions – who has just come for a lunch? Why did she take an interest in human nature?

The reasoning of this question fascinates and it is the focus of attention not only in the philosopher's company but also the audience – and brings them far far away. What is a Man? About this – in a new play of Mindaugas Karbauskis in a space of Barkhin`s scarlet hexagon – like a symbol of esoteric and Shakespearean theater with the conditional model of the world.

How to understand

It`s necessary to see, just to imagine – a calm, slow Königsberg in East Prussia, which now doesn`t exist. For East Prussia, it is the capital city, but on a global scale it is a province. And the whole world is relatively young at that time, it is in the dark about the two world wars, about the industrialization of the XIX century, and it generally does not know anything about the subsequent century. France will be soon shaken by her great revolution, but all of this in a far - future.

But the present is serene. From the newspapers you find out that America received the independence, the first sky balloons rise in France, and the first flying people appear in the world. Meanwhile volcano spews lava in Iceland. It has erupted for a few months, and the terrible volcanic cloud cover and poison the half of Northern Europe. But here no one knows about it because newspapers are silent. There is November in Konigsberg, but it`s warm and beautiful as in September. And everything around is suspiciously quiet.

So, after looking general terms, it is necessary to see Konigsberg by itself. Just find Prinzess - strasse. The house at number three on this street is our scene. This is a two-story building with a large garden, a fence of which looks at the municipal jail. Immanuel Kant - our hero, lives there, in this house. He has just started dinner. What does mean the lunch in Königsberg at this time, it is necessary to know, because it's impossible to understand. This is - a ritual. Kant eats once a day: this is his rule. But the dinner stretches for a long time - for three or four hours, sometimes for half a day. He has dinner with his friends, certainly - with the officials fr om the Königsberg `s elite. They talk about everything, but never - about their work.

To imagine a world outside of this dining room is required for two reasons:

1. We would no longer get out of this room, because there is nothing in the world more important than this very room.

2. An imagination – is only human privilege. Only the man is able to see what is not there in reality on this planet. This is the right to compare.

But this is just one of the properties of the human nature, so there are many others which our hero devoted his entire life. And in order to understand the Man first of all he has to discover how it to consider. First – to invent a tool, and only then to excise the person`s mind with a help of philosophical scalpel. This is - an inhuman labor. To research the mind of the means of the mind was almost the same as to prick a needle by the same needle.

However, he struck this prick. He marked out the boundaries of the brain. He formulated the Man, shared him on pieces and described how it all works. It was the exposure of man, and along with the One who created it: for ones –it is God, for others - Supreme Universal Intelligence. And it's easy to understand why the Supreme Universal Intelligence has suddenly looked there – to the house on Prinzess - strasse.

And finally from the point of view of the time and the space there is a very meager work. It is the only one day with afternoon spleen, the only one room. But since this an extraordinary place is left not only by the time, but - in his own way – by the space : there is no home, no streets, no sign of it anymore ... So , it means that somewh ere it all exist . This day is more than two hundred years old, and it is hanging somewh ere in the Universe with all that happened at that time. I do not know exactly, but I know who knows the answer. As our hero said: “When I do not know, I believe”.

And I believe that in the Universe night when the stars are not very active, this day is once again becoming visible. It almost could be touched.

 Marius Ivashkevichius

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