основная сцена: (495) 690-46-58, 690-62-41

сретенка: (499) 678-03-04



Big Money

Big Money

Big Money

Genre: Comedy of Obsession

Author: Aleksander Ostrovsky

Staging: Anatoliy Shulev

Creators: Artist / Marius Yazhovskis, Composer / , Lighting desing /

продолжительность: 3 ч 20 мин с одним антрактом


Fri 19:00

No tickets


Sun 18:00


Fri 19:00

The premiere of "Big Money" is timed to the anniversary of People's Artist of the RSFSR - Svetlana Nemoliaeva. The play is relevant even now: money, like the thirst for a beautiful life, has always been one of the most important motivators. Most of the heroes of the play are representatives of the ruined Moscow nobility: they still go in carriages, drink champagne, keep servants, but it's all in debt. Whereas the new bourgeois think: "how not to get out of the budget". All of them live at that time when sudden bankruptcies and exaltations occur, unexpected sources of income are born when people trade everything, even beauty. The heroine Lydia is young and ambitious, she admires the entire Moscow elite: from the gymnasium to the government representatives. She was used to living on a broad foot and she is in search of the only one who "in grief and in joy" would ensure her comfortable existence. Hearing about the fabulous wealth of a provincial entrepreneur, the beautiful woman makes her choice, but she makes a little mistake in the calculations ... In the performance there is no teaching or any moralizing – just common people who only tries to understand their human essence.


The premiere performance took place on April 7, 2017.

The performance lasts 3 hours and 20 minutes.

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