
Tatiana Augshkap

Tatiana Augshkap

Meritorious artist of Russia

Родилась 8 декабря в Риге (Латвия).

В 1984 году окончила ГИТИС – мастерская О.Я. Ремеза.

С 1985 года - актриса Театра им. Гоголя, с 1986 года – актриса Театра им. Вл. Маяковского. 

Помимо работы в Театре Татьяна Аугшкап в 2008 году вместе с актером И. Ильиным выпустила аудиокнигу «Венера в мехах» по роману Захер-Мазоха.

В 1999 году организовала актерское агентство «АРТ-КИТ 2000».

Играет в спектаклях текущего репертуара:

«На всякого мудреца довольно простоты» А. Островский – Клеопатра Львовна Мамаева

«Блажь» А. Островский, П. Невежин – Серафима Давыдовна Сарытова

«Таланты и поклонники» А. Островский – Нина Васильевна Смельская

«Плоды просвещения» Л. Толстой – Анна Павловна Звездинцева 

«Бердичев» Ф. Горенштейн – Злота

«Цена» А. Миллер – Эстер Франц

играет в спектаклях


Thu 19:00Talents and Admirers

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Sun 18:00The Price

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Thu 19:00Whim

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Thu 19:00

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Sat 18:00The Fruits of Culture

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Wed 19:00Berdichev

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Sun 18:00The Fruits of Culture

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Thu 19:00Whim

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Sat 18:00The Price

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Tatiana Augshkap was born on December 8 in Riga (Latvia).

In 1984, she graduated from GITIS (Remez`s workshop).

Since 1985 Tatiana has been an actress of Gogol Theater and since 1986 she has been working with Mayakovsky Theatre.

Apart from working at the theater in 2008 Tatiana Augshkap together with actor I.Ilyin released an audio book ‘Venus in Furs’ based on the novel by Sacher-Mosoch.

In 1999 she organized the actor’s agency ‘ART KIT 2000’.


Meritorious artist of Russia (1994).

Smoktunovsky Award at the festival ‘Came to life fairy tale’ for producing the play ‘The Mystery of the old cabinet.’

Nominated for ‘Best Actress’ award of the newspaper ‘Moskovsky Komsomolets’

Audience Award at the Sevastopol Theatre Festival (for the role of Lisa in the play ‘The Brothers Karamazov’)


Gogol Theatre:

‘Do not Have a Penny but Suddenly Hit the Jackpot’ by Ostrovsky - Nastya

‘Decameron’ Boccaccio

‘The Shore’ by Bondarev - Emma

Mayakovsky Theatre (past works):

‘Theatre Romance’ by A.Tolstoy – Natalia Vladimirovna

‘Vanyushin`s Children’ by Naydenov - Inna

‘Napoleon the First’ F.Bruckner - Maria Luisa

‘Bluebeard`s Birthday’ - Jeanette, Bluebeard`s Wife

‘Tomorrow Was the War’ by B.Vasilev - Zina Kovalenko

‘She, in the Absence of Love and Death,’ E. Radzinsky - She

‘Notes from Underground’ by F.Dostoevsky - Lisa

‘Look who is here!’ by Arro - Masha

‘The Islander’ by Yakovlev - Marina

‘The Blonde’ by A. Volodin - Mother

‘Flying Birds of Passage’ A.Galin - Marina

‘Diary of an Ordinary Girl’ N.Kosterina - Nina

‘Smoking Area’ by V.Slavkin - Zheltovskaya

‘The Story of Pieter Bruegel’ by T.Vasilenko - Girl

‘Underpass’ by V.Pavlov - Marina

‘The Madmen of Valencia’ by Lope de Vega - Laid

‘The Hunchback’ by S.Mrozhek - Onka

‘Krechinsky’s Wedding’ by A. Sukhovo-Kobylin - Atueva

‘Boris Godunov’ directed by Fomenko - Ksenia

‘Pieter Bruegel the Elder’ directed by T. Akhramkova - Girl

‘The Brothers Karamazov’ directed by V. Sarkisov - Lisa

Anton Chekhov Theatre:

‘A Pose of an Expat’ directed by L. Trushkin - Girl

‘The Cherry Orchard’ directed by. L. Trushkin - Dunyasha

Private Theatre Company:

‘Moonlight, honeymoon’ directed by T. Dogileva - Sybil

Cinema works: ‘Despite his advanced age’ (Photodrama) (1985), ‘Daylight saving time’ (Photodrama) (1986), ‘Ranger’ (1987), ‘Down with the commerce on the love front, or Services reciprocity ‘(1988), ’Tomorrow Was the War ‘(Photodrama) (1990),’ Portrait of Mademoiselle Tarzhi ‘(1991),’ Queen Margot ‘(1996),’ Disturbia ‘(1998),’ Napoleon the First ‘ (Photodrama) (2001), ‘Women’s logic-3’ (2003), ‘Children of the Arbat’ (2004), ‘Airport 2’ (2006), ‘The Golden mother-in-law’ (2006), ‘Tavern’ Deja Vu ‘ ‘(2006),’ My General ‘(2006),’ Fugitives ‘(2007),’ Mothers and Daughters ‘(2007),’ Time of Happiness ‘(2008),’ Ranetki ‘(2008-2010),’ Dead Souls ‘ (Photodrama) (2009), ‘Hostage’ (2010), ‘Wedding Ring’ (2010), ‘Man in Me’ (2011), etc.

The voice of the animated film ‘Dunno and Barrabass’ (2004).

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