
Yury Korenev

Yury Korenev

Meritorious artist of Russia

Юрий Коренев родился 9 февраля в Брянске.

В 1981 году окончил ГИТИС (курс А.А. Гончарова).

Сыграв в дипломном спектакле по пьесе Б. Брехта «Что тот солдат, что этот…», был принят в труппу Театра им. Вл. Маяковского.

Играет в спектаклях текущего репертуара:

«Симон» Н. Абгарян – Каро

«Виндзорские насмешницы» У. Шекспир – Фрэнк Брод

«Другая сказка» – Шут

«Счастливые дни несчастливого человека» А. Арбузов – первый из хора; отец

«В день свадьбы» Виктор Розов - Салов Илья Григорьевич

«Изгнание / Мой друг Фредди Меркьюри» М. Ивашкявичюс – Гарри

«Бердичев» Ф. Горенштейн – Григорий Хаимович Тайбер; Бронфенмахер

«Декалог на Сретенке» С. Денисова

«Кант» М. Ивашкявичюс – Иоганн Вигилянтий

«На чемоданах» Х. Левин – Альберто Пинкус

играет в спектаклях


Wed 19:00

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Wed 19:00Kant

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Thu 19:00Kant

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Mon 19:00Suitcase Packers

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Fri 19:00Expulsion / My friend Freddie Mercury

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Sat 18:00

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Wed 19:00Decalogue on Sretenka

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Mon 19:00

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Wed 19:00

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Thu 19:00Kant

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Sun 18:00Expulsion / My friend Freddie Mercury

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Mon 19:00

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Wed 19:00Decalogue on Sretenka

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Fri 19:00

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Yury Korenev was born on February 9, 1957 in Bryansk.

In 1981, he graduated from GITIS.

Having played in the graduation performance ‘Man Equals Man’ by Brecht he joined the troupe of Mayakovsky Theatre.


Mayakovsky Theatre (past works):

‘Bluebeard`s Birthday’ – Mask man, Boss

‘The Transparent Apples, or Truth is Good but Happiness is Better’ by A. Ostrovsky - Baraboshev

‘Enter a free man’ by T. Stoppard - Able

‘Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead’ by T. Stoppard - Actor

‘The Joke of Maecenas’ by A. Averchenko - Bodyguard

‘The Fruits of Enlightenment’ Leo Tolstoy - Semen

‘The Victim of the Century’ by A. Ostorvsky - Senior Servant

‘Sunset’ by Babel - Nikifor

‘Vivat! Vivat Regina!’ by R.Bolt - Morton

‘Running’ by Mikhail Bulgakov - The commandant of the station

‘Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District’ by Nikolai Leskov - Counterman

‘The Life of Klim Samgin’ Gorky - Zachary

‘Lizard’ by Volodin - Second Scorpion

‘Ivan Tsarevich’ by Y.Mikhailov - Ivan Tsarevich

‘Difficult soldiers’ by Maksimov

‘Tomorrow Was the War’ B.Vasilev - Sasha Stameskin

‘Cat on a Hot Tin Roof’ by T. Williams - Sookey

‘High’ (‘Mayakovsky Begins’) by M.Rozovsky - Sancho Panza

‘The Law of Wintering’ by B.Gorbatov - Vasya Finogenov

‘Theatre in the time of Nero and Seneca’ E. Radzinsky – Theatre Artist

‘The Madmen of Valencia’ by Lope de Vega – Florian, Martin

‘The Adventures of Buratino’ by A.Tolstoy - Papa Carlo

As a student, in 1977, Yury made his film debut in melodrama ‘Confusion of Feelings’, where he was fortunate enough to work on the same stage with such artists as A.Kalyagin and I.Savvina. In 1980 - 1990 being highly occupied in the theater, he appeared on screen only in photodramas. In the new century cinema filmmakers began to invite Yury into their production, eventually he played in almost twenty films.

Cinema works: Krutoy in ‘Staring Down,’ Robert Kurlaev in crime series ‘The detective without a license,’ Stas in ‘An Invisible Sign-3. The formula of happiness’, Roman Kozhlaev in ‘C.U‘, writer Andrew Voronov in ‘Justice ‘and others. Especially fortunate for him was the period of 2008 - 2010, when he played a rock musician Boris Lagutkina in a youth drama ‘Ranetki’; Ivan Belsky in A.Eshpay`s historical drama ‘Ivan the Terrible’, a detective Aleksander in a detective film ‘I go out to look for you’, Gennady in a military comedy ‘Construction battalion.’ He was also engaged in production of ‘Lawyer-6’, ‘Residential District’, ‘Path to myself’, ‘Chemist’ (TV series). In 2011 Yury played in a solo performance ‘Conversation in the face of silence’ based on a poem ‘Gorbunov and Gorchakov’ by Joseph Brodsky.

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