
Expulsion / My friend Freddie Mercury

Expulsion / My friend Freddie Mercury

Expulsion / My friend Freddie Mercury
Expulsion / My friend Freddie Mercury
Expulsion / My friend Freddie Mercury

Genre: Genre: The Chronicle of One Travel

Author: Marius Ivashkevichius

Staging: Mindaugas Karbauskis

Creators: Scenography / Sergey Barkhin, Costumes / , Lighting designer / Taras Mikhalevsky, Translate /

продолжительность: 3 ч 50 мин с двумя антрактами


Fri 19:00


Sun 18:00

The performance "Expulsion" will become the third collaborative work of the director Karbauskis and playwright Ivashkyavichius on The Mayakovsky Theater`s stage. For writing the play - "Russian novel" and "Kant", Ivashkyavichius had to plunge headlong into the past, studying the archives, trying to learn as much as possible about the heroes of the past centuries - the philosopher Immanuel Kant and the family of Leo Tolstoy. But there is another story with "Expulsion". As it was written in one of the announcements: “There is a modern London instead of distant eras and migrant proletarians instead of the intellectual elite."

 Characters of the play in a search of better life came to the capital of Great Britain. Everything was concentrated in this delightful word "London" for them: dreams, hopes, faith in the future. But this city, like any megalopolis, does not like outsiders, and vulnerable migrants become an easy prey for the more sly representatives of urban low classes. But the main problem lies not in the circumstances, but in the internal conflict of the heroes with themselves.

Someone's broken down, someone is made stronger, somebody is initially ready to run after the ducks on the hunt as a hound, but in the queen's residence, and somebody still has ambitions.

The main character of the play - Ben (Vyacheslav Kovalev) - has ambitions. He is an idealist who has chosen a way that is too complicated and has followed it all his life. Ben goes his own way with Freddie Mercury. It is Freddie who becomes his best friend and the cause of many discoveries and trials.

Before us there is the confession of a little man who has come a long way. Despite the blows of fate during these 12 years in London, Ben does not betray his ideas, the main of which is the desire to become a Man.


The premiere took place on February 3 and 4, 2017.

The performance lasts 3 hours 50 minutes with two intermissions.

пресса о спектакле премии и номинации

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