Архиве спектаклей

Дети портят отношения

Дети портят отношения

Genre: French comedy

Author: Jean de Letraz

Staging: Semyon Strugachev

Creators: Scenography / Semyon Strugachev, Lighting /

продолжительность: Зч 20м

It is an amusing comedy: light, graceful and unpredictable. The absurdity of what is going on is funny and surprisingly authentic. The son of the soap company’s head does not want to study, he wants to get married. His father even threatens him with exile to a distant colony. But alas, it is too late: the young Jacques now has a baby…Bright audacious musical performance about love!

The premiere performance took place on 14 January 2011.

Running time: 3 hours 00 minutes
пресса о спектакле

Incorrect information block

Incorrect information block

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