Архиве спектаклей

Золотой ключик

Золотой ключик

Genre: musical fairy tale in two acts

Author: Aleksey Tolstoy

Staging: Yury Yoffe

Creators: Scenography and costumes / Boris Blank, Music / , Choreography and movement / , Ballet mistress / Irina Orlik

продолжительность: Зч 20м

The Golden Key is a production by Yury Yoffe based on his own adaptation (in collaboration with Andrey Badulin) of the fairy tale by Aleksey Tolstoy.

In this classical fairy tale, which several audience generations grew up on, everything seems to be solved by the director quite traditionally. But only at the first glance.

The characters of Buratino and Malvina, poodle Artemon and Pierrot are highlighted in a totally different way, not stereotypically. That is how the children play when they imitate the adults, suddenly and very precisely noticing and playing grotesquely on their character and behavior features that seem to be invisible to everybody.

The premiere performance took place on 6 November 2009.

Running time: 2 hours.

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