
Dead Souls

Dead Souls

Genre: poem about Chichikov in two acts and two parts

Author: Nikolay Gogol

Staging: Sergey Artsibashev

Creators: Set design / Aleksander Orlov, Costumes / Irina Cherednikova, Composer / Vladimir Dashkevich, Choreography / Yury Klevtsov

продолжительность: 3 ч с одним антрактом

Информация для зрителей: В кассовых залах Театра Маяковского сотрудники билетного стола с удовольствием помогут Вам с выбором спектакля и приобретением билетов, в том числе за наличный расчёт, а также расскажут о бонусной системе Театра. Режим работы кассовых залов – с 11:00 до 20:00. Телефоны: +7-495-690-62-41 (Основная сцена), +7 -499-678-03-04 (Сцена на Сретенке).

Дети: Тимур Ибрагимов, Надя Фомина, Алена Пятышина, Гордей Никулин, Ясна Соколова

It is the first time in the production history of Dead Souls that the both parts of the poem are staged: the First Part that has already become proverbial and the Second Part preserved only in extracts. Gogol’s plot reveals itself in its authenticity: the characters appear before the audience not as caricatures (as they had been called for one and a half centuries by the “progressive” criticism) but as real people with their weaknesses and pain, joys and misfortunes.

The premiere took place on 12 November 2005

Running time: 3 hours 00 minutes

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